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>>Suy Ngẫm: “ * Tuổi trẻ là tuổi không ngại ngùng gì cả và không ghi ngờ gì cả.
Susanna March
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  1. #1
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    Seeking God, Find God, Reaching God

    Q: What is the first step one must take toward reaching God?

    M: We must pray that if God exists, please guide me, please help me. And stick to your religion and pray to that religious head that you believe in to help you. If you're Christian, pray to God, pray to Jesus, Santa Maria. If you're Buddhist, pray to Buddha, to Bodhisattvas, Quan Yin Bodhisattva, Amitabha Buddha, etc., to help you. That's the first step.

    The second step is, we must lead a virtuous life as prescribed in the Bible and in the Buddhist scriptures or in any other religious scriptures. I haven't seen any major religion which teaches people to do bad things. So follow your own religious ethic, as the second step.

    The third step is, we must find someone, and very importantly, who has known God, who has realized God, to show us something, to share with us the wealth that he or she has got. Just like if we want to speak English, what is the first step? Prepare the money for it, so that the teacher will accept you and then go and find a teacher -- one who can speak English. If you find one who speaks Spanish, then no good. It's very easy.


    plunge into the truth, find out who the Teacher is,
    Believe in the Great Sound!

    - Kabir

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    02 Heart

    Akashic Records

    Q. Master Ching Hai, I have two questions. One is, what world do past life memories come from, if you were to have the memory of the past life. And secondly, how do past lives relate to karma?

    M. To your present, right? To your karma?

    Q. To the present karma and to one's present understanding? Are they part of the excess baggage?

    M. Yes, yes. They relate very much. First question, where does the past karma come from?

    Q. Past life memories. Yes.

    M. You can read the past life record, that's for sure. And the past life records, as I have told you, came from the akashic record. Yes. And this is a kind of library in the second world which is accessible to anyone who can reach there. Not everyone can go to the United Nations' library and have accessed to it. But I can, for example today, because I'm invited to talk in the United Nations. Right? Not everyone can come in, but you can,because you are a kind of residents here. So, similarly, when we get access to the second world, we can read the past life, yeah! Also when we access into the first world, some of it, we can have some glimpse of the past life of a person. But that's not very high and not very complete record. And how do these past life experiences relate to the present karma? We can say that these are the experiences we have learned in order to cope with this present lifetime. You understand? What you assimilated in the past, you will bring into practice at this present lifetime. And similarly, too many unpleasant experiences in the past would make you frightened, when you see some symbol that is very much similar to the past life... For example, if last life... just now, you drop off from the staircase, yeah, by accident and then hurt yourself badly and in the dark, and nobody helps you. And now when you walk down the staircase, you would feel a little frightened, especially when it is deep and dark underneath, you would feel a kind of struggle whether you go or not. Or if last life you have already studied and researched deep into some scientific field. This life you will find yourself still very interested... interested in... This is Chinese tongue-twister (laughs). I'm sorry. Is my English still clear enough? Yeah? (Audience: Yes) Okay. Thank you. So you still feel very... you have kind of a pull to any kind of scientific research, even though you are not a kind of scientist now. Any kind of thing like that. That's why Mozart, he was so..., a genius when he was four years old. He went straight to the piano and he became famous up till now, still. Yeah? He was a genius because he had practiced in many other lifetimes until mastership, but then he died after that. Understand? Before he reached the peak of his career, he died and he wasn't satisfied just to leave... to leave his career because he loved music. So he came back and all his learned experience from his past musical talent came back to him, because he had so strong desire to continue when he died. Understand? And some of these people learn many things from the astral world or the second world before they are reborn in this world again. Therefore they are fantastically gifted with science, or with music, or with literature, or with any kind of inventions, which other people don't know. You see, kind of very extraordinary inventions that other people cannot understand it and cannot even dream of inventing. Okay? Because they have seen them, they have learned them. Therefore, two kinds of learning in this world or in the world beyond. Those who are gifted and excellent, like genius, they are the experts from the world beyond, like in the astral world, the second world... sometimes from the third world, if he chose to come back. Yeah? They are excellent. These are geniuses. Okay? Yes?

    Quan Yin Meditation: Many Faiths, Oneness in the Divine Part 1


    ( Lord JESUS: FEAR or NOT FEAR !?! )

    "Many have died; you also will die. The drum of death is being beaten. The world has fallen in love with a dream. Only sayings of the wise will remain."

    Kabir (The Bijak of Kabir)

  3. #3
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    Quan trọng của THIỀN - ĐỊNH


    Initiation: by the grace of the Master and by the God power inside, we get cleansed, even though we are not very pure at the time of initiation. We see Light and hear Sound when we break through the prison door, because they exist beyond the material existence. That is why we call it instant or Immediate Enlightenment. It means that at the time of initiation, we are in contact with higher worlds, and that we are no longer disconnected from them. You'll hear the Inner Vibration or God's voice but without physical ears; you'll see the Light of God without physical eyes. I cannot speak of it. Language and intellect belong to the realm of mind and matter (which are limited), not soul and God (which are unlimited). This is why we call it mind-to-mind or heart-to-heart transmission.

    The initiation is offered free of charge.

    Như ong đến với hoa, không hại sắc với hương của hoa; cho nên người trí huệ đi khắp thế giới.
    ~ Đức Phật, Kinh Pháp Cú: Phẩm hoa đoạn 49

  4. #4
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    24 Cheer

    Ascended Masters, who they are, what they do

    throughout the ages, mankind has been visited by rare individuals whose sole purpose is the spiritual upliftment of humanity. Jesus Christ was one of these visitors, as were Shakyamuni Buddha and Mohammed. These three are well known to us, but there are many others whose names we do not know; some taught publicly, and where known by a few, and others remained anonymous. These individuals were called by different names, at different times, in different countries. They have been referred to as: Ascended Masters, Avatar, Enlightened One, Savior, Messiah, Divine Mother, Messenger, Guru, Living Saint, and the like. They came to offer us what has been called: Enlightenment, Salvation, Realization, Liberation, or Awakening. The words used may be different, but in essence they all mean the same thing.

    Visitors from the same Divine Source, with the same spiritual greatness, moral purity, and power to uplift humanity as the Holy Ones from the past are here with us today, yet few know of their presence. One of them isthe Supreme Master Ching Hai.

    Master Ching Hai teaches the importance of the practice of meditation, inner contemplation and prayer. She explains that we must discover our own inner Divine Presence, if we are to be truly happy in this life. She tells us that enlightenment is not esoteric and out of reach, attainable only by those who retreat from society. Her job is to awaken the Divine Presence within us, while we lead normal lives. She states: It is like this. We all know the Truth. It's just that we forgot it. So, sometimes someone has to come and remind us of the purpose of our life, why we must find the Truth, why we must practice meditation, and why we must believe in God or Buddha, or whoever we think is the Highest Power in the Universe. She asks no one to follow Her. She simply offers Her own enlightenment as an example, so that others may gain their own Ultimate Liberation.


    Như ong đến với hoa, không hại sắc với hương của hoa; cho nên người trí huệ đi khắp thế giới.
    ~ Đức Phật, Kinh Pháp Cú: Phẩm hoa đoạn 49

  5. #5
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    Awaken the Soul

    The soul is our real Self which is now dormant. We have to awaken it, and that is called awakening or enlightening. Then you will know what the soul is. Now you only know what the body is and the brain is, and after awakening you'll know what the soul is.

    The soul never dies! Whatever, disaster or dying, is only illusion.

    The soul never reincarnates, just our habitual thinking, our desires, our attachments that reincarnate. If we know the soul, if we are enlightened, if we know the connection with the whole universe, we are not reincarnated anywhere, we are always right there. We are never born, and never die.

    Body and Soul. We know that we and our soul, the source of inspiration and happiness, are one and the same and we know that we are not the body. We try to help the world and to help ourselves. But this is not the highest level, because we still have the ego and it knows its strength. Even when we say I and my Father are One, it makes two, and it is still too crowded!

    ~The Supreme Master Ching Hai~

    The Outer Teachings of Chuang Tzu: Letting Be, and Exercising Forbearance" & Horses' Hoofs -P1/2 (In Chinese)


    Chng ta phải tn trong mnh trước th những người khc mới tn trọng mnh

    Như ong đến với hoa, không hại sắc với hương của hoa; cho nên người trí huệ đi khắp thế giới.
    ~ Đức Phật, Kinh Pháp Cú: Phẩm hoa đoạn 49

  6. #6
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    24 Cheer

    Contact God

    We Contact God by Ascended Masters, Avatar, Enlightened One, Savior, Messiah, Divine Mother, Messenger, Guru, Living Saint, and the like. Throughout the ages, mankind has been visited by those rare individuals whose sole purpose is the spiritual upliftment of humanity. Jesus Christ was one of these visitors, as were Shakyamuni Buddha and Mohammed. These three are well known to us, but there are many others whose names we do not know; some taught publicly, and where known by a few, and others remained anonymous. These individuals were called by different names, at different times, in different countries. They came to offer us what has been called: Enlightenment, Salvation, Realization, Liberation, or Awakening. The words used may be different, but in essence they all mean the same thing.

    Visitors from the same Divine Source, with the same spiritual greatness, moral purity, and power to uplift humanity as the Holy Ones from the past are here with us today, yet few know of their presence. One of them is the Supreme Master Ching Hai.

    We always talk and God has no chance to tell us. So the prayer is the talking, the demand; and meditation is the listening. Most people just keep praying all the time or always make noise or always talk, and God has no chance to tell them what to do. No wonder their prayers are unanswered. God has no opportunity.
    So the meditation is a must from a logical standpoint. Whether you are Buddhist, Christian, Muslim or whatever, I don't care. If you cannot make time to listen to God, then God can never be communicated with. Even if you talk to a friend - you telephone, you talk and then you must listen. Even if you ask me, you must first ask, and then now you must be quiet so I have a chance to tell you. How can we treat God even worse than a friend. We keep talking all the time, and give Hirm no chance. Meditation is the time of quiet listening. That's all there is, and God will come.

    ~The Supreme Master Ching Hai~


    Chng ta c thể gạt được cả thế giới v c thể đi khi gạt lun cả Phật v Bồ Tt; nhưng vấn đề l chng ta khng bao giờ gạt được chnh mnh. Bất kể chng ta đang ở đu, chng ta lun lun biết chng ta muốn lm g, chng ta đang đi đu, v chng ta xấu cở no, v phẩm chất tốt nhất của chng ta l g. Chnh ci lực lượng ny tạo dựng nn thin đng, v địa ngục, v n tồn tại trong chng ta. Cho nn kinh điển c ni, "Nhất thiết vi tm tạo".

    - Thanh Hải V Thượng Sư

    Last edited by Xuanphuc; 01-08-2011 at 09:59 PM.
    Như ong đến với hoa, không hại sắc với hương của hoa; cho nên người trí huệ đi khắp thế giới.
    ~ Đức Phật, Kinh Pháp Cú: Phẩm hoa đoạn 49

  7. #7
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    06 BigHug

    Meditation on Inner Light and Inner Sound

    Why, What is, and How to Meditate

    Why Meditate?

    Once we know the pleasure, the blissful and relaxing feeling, and elevating benefits through the Inner Light and Sound meditation, we could not really go without.

    The more we meditate via the Inner Light and Sound meditation, the more secrete and exquisite knowledge of Divine. The more we know about this, the more we want to meditate.

    Besides, we must recharge by the meditation with the higher vibration from Inner Light and Sound, because the Light and Sound is God. We are a part of God, we are God. Without the Inner Light and Sound, we are nobody and we will be very suffering and suffocated from the blindness in the negative atmosphere. The divine blessing power is what we need for our soul as much as we need the air to breathe.


    Như ong đến với hoa, không hại sắc với hương của hoa; cho nên người trí huệ đi khắp thế giới.
    ~ Đức Phật, Kinh Pháp Cú: Phẩm hoa đoạn 49

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    03 Rose

    Inner Light

    Spiritual light also manifests as an aspect of the Divine Presence. Hence, the great Masters impart both transcendental Sound and Light, as The Supreme Master Ching Hai explains. "So, we get in contact with this Spirit, which is a manifestation of divine Light and Vibration, and by doing so, we know God. In fact, it isn't really a method. It is the power of the Master. If you have it, then you can transmit it. The method is a transcendental one that cannot be described by our language. Even if someone describes it to you, you will not receive the Light and the Vibration, the inner peace and wisdom. Everything is transmitted in silence, and you will see your old Masters like Jesus or Buddha. You will receive all that you need to follow their footsteps, and little by little you will become Christ-like, and you will become one with God."

    Inner Sound

    This primal vibration or Sound is in its nature transcendental and therefore perceived in silence. Jesus' disciples called it the "Holy Spirit" or the "Word" (which is from the Greek word "Logos," meaning sound). "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." After Shakyamuni Buddha attained enlightenment, He spoke of this Sound too, calling it the "drum of immortality" Krishna equated Himself with the "sound in ether" Mohammed perceived this Sound in the cave at Gare-Hira when He had a vision of the archangel Gabriel, and Lao Tzu described the Tao as the "Great Tone".


    Student, tell me, what is God?
    He is the breath inside the breath.

    ~ Kabir

    Như ong đến với hoa, không hại sắc với hương của hoa; cho nên người trí huệ đi khắp thế giới.
    ~ Đức Phật, Kinh Pháp Cú: Phẩm hoa đoạn 49

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